Are you a Snacker? If you snack regularly, are you snacking because we are supposed to eat 5 times a day, or because you were a snacker and are still a S N A C K E R ???
After my lap-band surgery ten years ago, I was told to eat 3 small meals a day with 2 protein snacks. Then with the revision to sleeve, much the same, 3 small meals a day with a concentration of protein and a couple of protein snacks to see me through the day.
For me the snacking was never the issue, it was, more like, I’ve been snacking for years, and I need to break the snack habit….
Truthfully, I can snack anywhere, anytime, and if I don’t keep the stuff out of my reach I would eat through my life. I have to restrict my snacking, or make sure I’m snacking on good stuff all the time.
I keep nuts. Everywhere we go I get nuts to snack on, I know Jennifer keeps jerky for her snacks. You see, if I allow a cookie, even if it is sugar free, I will eat the whole package, knowing that a calorie doesn’t care if it is sugar free or not!! Also, I suffer after eating “sugar free” processed foods with our old hateful friend Dumping!! Obviously, the snack crackers, and cookies are a real disaster for me. I have learned to bypass those things, though my head hasn’t quite realized it yet!
Another downfall for me is chips! Yep, potato, corn, popcorn what ever the concoction it is a carb and I take one bite and don’t stop! We call these sliders, they satisfy the chew signal from our brain but don’t satisfy anything else. They are tricky little buggers, they taste so good and we can eat a lot of them without feeling full. So, I avoid them like the plague they are!!
Though I am unable to drink milk and yogurt doesn’t set well, cheese is my friend. Whenever we are in Dallas and can get to a good grocery store I stock up on lots of different kinds of cheese. At one time I will have no less than 2 and as many as 8 kinds of cheese in my stash. I definitely enjoy cheese. Thank goodness it is filling and I get the “enjoyment” from it along with it providing, protein and calcium that my body needs.
Stop for a moment and think. What do you pack in your lunch bag, or snack bag as quick snacks that are healthy and high protein?
Don’t tell me you have veg, carrot sticks and celery...UCK !...they have no protein and after eating them you are ready to eat something else. Protein will satisfy and keep your blood sugar level so that you don’t have the afternoon doldrums. Protein is the key thought you should have when you are shopping for your snacks.
For you who are just starting out on your WLS journey just coming out of the phases of surgery and discovering you can eat just about anything if you chew it properly: WELL, here is the good news….you don’t have to think DIET any more..YOUR new thinking should be LIFE CHANGE and LIFE STYLE...never going back.
I won’t say there aren't difficult times, there are, I struggle daily, but I know that with my new body, comes a new way of thinking. Thinking that has to be personal to you, but thinking that there are new things to discover and new foods to try, not thinking deprivation and diet.
Play with your food and discover new snacks and foods that you did not “like” or “want” before.
My tastes have changed and things that I really liked are not what they used to be. I am glad in so many ways that my tastes have changed. I like the new me, I like eating protein and maintaining my weight. I like the fact that I don’t eat just anything anymore. And that is by choice! I can find a few bites to eat anywhere, but if it is my choice to eat the way I do, and my choice to change old habits.
When you come to my house you get what I eat, the hubby may not like everything, but he has not missed a meal, and comes back for more...I cook for my eating style and most of the time company doesn’t know they have been fed anything different or unusual.
Same goes for snacking, I carry enough for the grandkids, they either want it or not, and usually they like what I have (except Jake, he doesn’t like any kind of nut). But cheese and some of my high protein snack bars and granola always disappear when he is around.
When you are filling out your shopping list, don’t buy for the family. Buy for your lifestyle and believe me they will fall into line pretty quickly. The food is so good and filling and they don’t miss the bread, chips and unhealthy snacks. They go to the fridge looking for that crazy cheese you had last week, or the snack bars you made and froze, or the smoothie you made that tasted just like strawberry ice cream. You are the one the family spins around, you are the one that made the lifestyle change, you are in control and you need to remember that when you give into getting the”kids” a package of something you know you are going to stick in your mouth! You have taken control of your body, now take control of your lifestyle and make the best of your new body.
Think of new snack recipes and new things to try. You are losing weight, not your mind, so use that mind and think outside the box, that is the snack box!