Monday, May 19, 2014

Eating Like a Bariatric Patient

My mom and I were having a discussion the other day.
I'm fairly happy with where I am now, for the most part. But there's one thing that I've been noticing lately, and that's my eating habits.
Let's face it.
I eat crap.
There. I said it out loud (please don't throw stuff).
It's something I'm working through, but it's not an easy feat.
Especially when you're addicted to things like chocolate chip cookies. And Doritos. And those really horrible (delicious) deep-fried burritos you get at the local gas station ...
Like I said. I've been eating CRAP.
Now, besides the fact that I feel like a HUGE hypocrite telling you guys to eat certain things and I'm going and eating stuff just as bad - if not worse, I am not eating the way I'm supposed to be eating.
I am not eating "like a bariatric patient"!
I am not eating my protein first, nor am I eating 70-90 g. protein daily.
I am not staying away from sugary foods, carbonated beverages, or slider foods such as chips and crackers.
I am not measuring my portions and not keeping water at all times.
I do not take vitamins.
Let's face it ...
Friends, do YOU eat like a bariatric patient?
Would love to hear your insight on this!


  1. Jen, I'm a newbie so I really can't comment on the eating of crap cause I'm only 33 days out. I have a question. Were you not afraid to put " crap" into your mouth after having the surgery, I know I am. So I've been looking for healthier alternatives,while I have been home from work recovering. I have made protein muffins sugar free frozen yogurt and each new recipe makes me feel stronger that I can beat the over eater deep inside. Don't beat yourself up to much like you've said before go back to the basics. I love what you and your mom are doing. I found your webisodes prior surgery and found them so very informative during my preparation process and now after surgery. We all fall off the wagon, just pick yourself up dust yourself off and get back on. You know that this is a journey for the rest of our lives. One we may not always like but made a conscious choice to do. Go back to eating your protien 1st. Have confidence that it'll fall back into place. Now that I said all that please remind me when I stumble. Take care. I love what you are trying to do and your honesty. Rosemary

    1. You are so right! I WAS afraid to put ANYTHING in my mouth that I wasn't supposed to! I am starting to re-focus and re-vamp! Thank you so much! God bless you!
      <3 Jen <3
