Saturday, January 31, 2015

It is in the Palm of my hand

By Suzette

This morning it hit me right between the eyes why I need to not eat hand held foods like chips, cookies, biscuits…..not only are they carbs….they fit into the palm my hand and I carry it around munching, and don’t sit down and chew slowly and I eat more than I need or want….

Does this ever happen to you????

I am sure it does! More often than we want to admit. I find this is one of the carry over behaviors of a life time. If I happen to be in a hurry carrying something to quickly fill my appetite is not necessarily what I need to do. This is a behavior that I need to modify.

In looking back at what I personally did to become overweight was behaviors that I need to evaluate and eliminate. Yes, I am two years out from my sleeve and 10 ½ years out from my lapband and I still have epiphanies on a regular basis! And this is a good thing. It reminds me why I was desperate to regain my life and be in control of my eating and cooking.

Everyday I look myself in the mirror and think, how can I be better for myself and for my family. How can I leave behind memories of a person who has had many struggles but has overcame those same struggles. How can I give back to my friends and family who have supported me through all my trials and successes?

The best way I can give back is to continue to maintain my weight loss and become a positive loving role model for my family, friends and community.

When I write a recipe I do it thinking of how it will taste and how I can make it different along with satisfying. I think this is how I look at life. I want to taste the excitement and adventure and make a difference to everyone I meet.

This morning I realized as I was eating a sausage biscuit that I was holding my own future in my hand. If I eat it slowly savoring every bite it satisfies and appeases my hunger, if I hold it in my hand and rush around biting into it in a hurry and not taking the time to savor the taste my hunger is also not satisfied. There are lots of reasons that this choice was bad. You all know those, but everyday we all make those kinds of choices.

I am not a food Nazi, I can and do eat almost everything. I just can’t eat very much and there are many things that a taste is enough for a long time. I do for the most part stay low carb but occasionally I do “fall” and just like everyone else I pay the price. This incident this morning made me realize just how easy it is to fall back into old habits and not have a safety net to keep those things from happening. I am lucky to have a family that is my safety net. Jennifer never fails to smack me up side the head when I goof up. And I must say I do the same to her. But we are not the run of the mill family.

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