Monday, March 31, 2014

Perfect Protein AND INTRODUCING: Meal Plan Monday!

So, you guys hear us talking about "perfect protein" all the time. And I bet you're wondering what the heck "perfect protein" is! Today I'm going to tell you guys a little bit about perfect protein, what it is, and give you some examples of good sources!

AND!! This week, we're starting a brand new topic! Meal Plan Mondays!
Meal planning is SO important for bariatric patients - especially in the beginning! It helps us stay on track and helps us from falling into a rut.

Perfect Protein

What is perfect protein? A "perfect protein" is a protein that gives you the biggest protein boost for the least amount of calories. A perfect protein has at least 4 grams of protein per ounce and less than 2 grams of fat per ounce. These are great energy boosters, blood sugar stabilizers, and can be super delicious to boot!

Some "Perfect protein" examples are:

Eggs whites. At 17 calories per white and less than 1 gram of fat, these little puppies have about 4 grams of protein per white. Most of us can handle about two egg whites (which equals about an egg in quantity) which gives us about 8 grams of protein.

Chicken Breast: This is a power punch - it has 35 calories, just over 5 grams of protein, and less than 2 grams of fat per ounce. Most bariatric patients can eat 3 oz of chicken breast at a meal. This gives you a whopping 15 grams of protein per serving!!

Shrimp: Ounce for ounce these little puppies pack more protein than just about anything - they are 28 calories per ounce, with zero - that's right ZERO fat - and - are you ready for this? 6 GRAMS OF PROTEIN!!

Pork Loin: There's a reason I love the pig ... This protein is 40 calories, 1 measly gram of fat, and 7 grams of protein. SEVEN!! Three ounces of lean pork loin gives you 21 grams of protein! That's almost 1/4 of our recommended amount!

Runners Up:
These didn't quite make the cut for "perfect protein" status, but they're still great protein choices!

Lean Beef steak
Ground turkey
whole eggs

So, go eat some protein!

This week launches our Meal Plan Monday! Since I (Jen) am struggling - as many of you are - I'm going to be sharing my meal plan here on Mondays (for Monday-Friday). The next week, I'll tell you how I did!

This week my menu is a little different than it's going to be otherwise - I am starting an elimination diet for health reasons, which means I'm not eating eggs, dairy, gluten, corn, soy, nuts, or aspartame this week. The good news? I CAN have potatoes and oats - which I have previously been cutting out!

Check out this week's plan here!
PS I'll be sharing recipes on our facebook page too!

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